Thursday, June 14, 2012

This is Thing One in his role as a professor in a play last month. He was very good, of course.

Mr. Logo is going to be wearing a mortarboard this weekend. He is going to be the first member of his family (on either side) to have a master's degree. We are all very proud of him.

Thing One is closing out the second semester of school with a 3.9, we are also very proud of him for that.

Thing Two is very nearly done with school for the year as well.
Here is pic from his 13th birthday party. He really liked that cake, and it was pretty tasty too.

As for me, I am currently trying to fit some reading into my life.
I am reading The Girl Who Kicked Over a Hornet's Nest and next up is Death Comes to Pemberley, mostly because Actonbell read it and I thought her review was clever. I just finished The Family Fang and I am also reading the time machine book I've mentioned before, Death of a Kingfisher, and something else. 

Life is so good when there is time to read.


lime said...

congrats to the respective guys in your world for their various achievements. time to read....oooh the envy....but soon i shall sit my butt upon the beach, make a deep groove in the sand and work through a stack of books. oh happy day.

Anonymous said...

i like the ant on the fries...very picnic-y

books...ahhh...time to read....