I have come to visit the Esteemed Elder Sister and her family. Her spawn are growing so fast! Spawn the younger (female type) just managed to convince her daddy she really ought to be allowed to get her ears pierced (her mom was totally on board). Spawn the elder just celebrated his 7th birthday; he actually had his party at my house. The EES rented a bouncy house and it was an awesome good time.

Yesterday I headed east with a friend of mine. My pal's family lives along Lake Roosevelt and she wanted to visit them.

My sister lives just west of Spokane and I wanted to visit her so we headed over here together.
In just a little while we will head to
Auntie's Bookstore,
I am VERY excited about that!
I shall stay here til Saturday so I can be home to see Thing Two (who has become a Scouting Boy) participate in a flag ceremony honoring veterans on the 4th of July.
Hope you have something planned in the next few days that will delight you!
I want to sleep in that bouncy castle.
i am thoroughly, totally not to mention ravenously jealous...find some good stuff!!!
I have a sister who lives high a top Spokane Mountain and another sister who lives in Coeur d'Alene and assorted Aunts, Uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews scattered about the area, too.
Oh man! I want a bouncy castle so bad.
i want to go to the bookstore! though hanging out on the beach with a stack of books was not at all unpleasant.
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