Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Internet stuffs, cuz I don't have the energy to generate original thoughts right now

" You explain it your way; I'll explain it mine." Said Andy Wachowski to Lewis Carroll.

Try not to get too close, hm?

You'd think someone would have noticed that earlier. 

Really, feel free

I don't really do fingernail painting, but I like the attitude.

My kids love this guy.

Is that not the cutest sloth basketball player you've ever seen? 

Ready for the close up.
This is from the Daily Otter site,
which I love.
Otters are just so stinkin' cute!


Jocelyn said...

I am generally not "squee" about little cutie animals.

Except when it comes to otters, it would seem.

Logophile said...

Yes, but almost everyone is defenseless in the face of such otter cuteness. Get it, such otter cuteness? Didja see what I did there?

lime said...

sloth basketball? i might actually have a chance there!

The Grunt said...

I think otters look like furry little versions of Tracy Morgan.

Anonymous said...

Jef-fa-fa Dun HAM...he's the other white meat. yes. i am addicted and i can probably recite all three of his comedy central specials...