I have two teenage sons at this point in my life. I do not recommend it for the faint of heart, nor for the sane— at least if they wish to remain so.
The competing emotions of pride in their growth and development and varying levels of despair over their foolish choices jostle along with complete irritation over bad attitudes, rudeness, and snottiness which is offset by the growing affection for the increasingly aware, independent, and fascinating individuals they are becoming.
Every day I love them more. I want to hug them, listen to them, and also smack them in the head, and throw my hands up in exasperation. I am almost positive sometimes that really they are just enormous toddlers and the main difference is which orifice is dispensing the poo.
However, sometimes one of them will say something so insightful, or make a hard and mature choice and in those moments the men they almost are seem nearly fully materialized rather than the distant promise they've been for so long.
Mostly though, I just want to make it through dinner without either of them making snarky comments, smacking each other, rolling their eyes, or ranting about the injustice of their lives. Is it so much to ask??
they are toddlers.....just hopped up on hormones. and able to take care of their own toileting...
at this stage, yes. it's too much to ask.
Logo, that was the most perfect description of life with adolescents that I have ever read. Mine are now 14 and 12 and I'm alternately grinding more enamel off my teeth or feeling joyful and proud. Its worse than PMS.
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