Back when I started this blog Thing 2 was 6 years old.
This Nutella devouring photo is a repost of one of the early pictures of him on this blog.
Here here is as a pirate, awwwwa, such a precious little pirate.
Fierce, I mean, FIERCE!
Here Thing 1 and Thing 2 discuss the lack of mental stimulation available in your average coloring book.
Daw, is he not cute???
Years went by, and he became a lacrosse player.
A rabbit joined Ariella as co-custodian of the family and here is Perry monitoring Thing 2 during an online grammar class.
Here is Thing 2 and a buddy in their Lego class.
Yes, that is right, Lego class, homeschooling is the bomb.
Lastly, here is Thing Two on his birthday modeling just how grown up he really is these days.
Golly, I like that kid!