Here is a pic of our bird feeders during the snow.
Our lil feathered friends were very busy eating during the cold snap.

This may not seem significant to you, but as a motorcyclist, it's pretty important to me.
I LOVE living in the NW by the way.
Last week we had ice and snow everywhere but this week we are back to normal and that means I went out for a ride this evening on my new bike
I cruised through the neighborhood where I got to see some lovely Christmas lights then headed out to the main road where I opened it up a little bit, yay. And even though I was only wearing a pair of jeans when I returned home I was not anywhere near being an ice-pop.
You have to love that, 50 degrees at 7:00 PM.
Next pic is the table Thing One set for his dad's birthday.
He got out the etiquette book and he did the whole thing himself. The everyday table cloth was not good enough, we had to use the Norataki china from my gramma, the crystal from Mr. Logo's mom, he brought out the candles, and made and decorated place cards for everyone. He even handwashed all the china himself. How awesome is that?

Is it not cute?
Is it not precious?
Oh, and on my ride I determined something. My bike is definitely a girl.
I'm thinking we may have to go with Red Molly.
Jury's still out on the name though.
That's for you, Dan, I know how you love the movie links.
thing one is most impressive, indeed.
ok, red molly it is. and thanks for the video....i loved it.
I like Red Molly, too.
And your son is awesome.
Hurray RED MOLLY!!!!
Oh says Red Molly to James "That's a fine motorbike.
A girl could feel special on any such like"
Says James to Red Molly "My hat's off to you
It's a Vincent Black Lightning, 1952.
And I've seen you at the corners and cafes it seems
Red hair and black leather, my favourite colour scheme"
And he pulled her on behind and down to Boxhill they did ride
Oh says James to Red Molly "Here's a ring for your right hand
But I'll tell you in earnest I'm a dangerous man.
For I've fought with the law since I was seventeen,
I robbed many a man to get my Vincent machine.
Now I'm 21 years, I might make 22
And I don't mind dying, but for the love of you.
And if fate should break my stride
Then I'll give you my Vincent to ride"
"Come down, come down, Red Molly" called Sergeant McRae
"For they've taken young James Adie for armed robbery.
Shotgun blast hit his chest, left nothing inside.
Oh come down, Red Molly to his dying bedside"
When she came to the hospital, there wasn't much left
He was running out of road, he was running out of breath
But he smiled to see her cry
He said "I'll give you my Vincent to ride"
Says James "In my opinion, there's nothing in this world
Beats a 52 Vincent and a red headed girl.
Now Nortons and Indians and Greeves won't do,
Ah, they don't have a soul like a Vincent 52"
Oh he reached for her hand and he slipped her the keys
Said "I've got no further use for these.
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome,
Swooping down from heaven to carry me home"
And he gave her one last kiss and died
And he gave her his Vincent to ride.
Thanks for making me smile this morning, my dear friend! XX
Great name Red Molly...that way you can ride and sing Good Golly Miss Molly and make up your own words on the way...LOL
That bird feeder reminds me of ours growing up in WI....Brrrrrrrr!!
How cute!! I have Norataki china too.
It snowed here today - ick. It was in the mid 60's last week -- sigh....
Logo, I hear you on the sand thing. I tried to explain to a Seattle Transplant why we don't salt and sand our roads. I think I won her over.
I love the snow and I wished would get a good one here because we haven't had a good , good one in several years so it is about time. Thing One done a beautiful job ! Hope y'all have a good weekend !
It's official: I am jealous of you, Logo.
LOL, I just showed a 3D friend of mine your new bike.....he about turned green with envy and told me to tell you that RED MOLLY is his vote, and he also said:
"Wow that bike is for a chick? She rocks my world and I dont even know her!"
Hey .. I have the little toaster that matches your little coffee pot.
How perfect is that - Red Molly, Richard Thompson and a son that sets a beter table that most adults I know. Good for you (I know you are very proud).
Seamus~ Oh believe me, I don't want it either. I was very careful.
Lime~ I am really liking that Richard Thompson too. And yes, I am constantly impressed with Thing One, well, Thing Two as well.
Goldennib~ Thanks! :D
Susie~ Red hair and black leather, check!
Jillie~ That is another Molly song! Alright, this could be fun.
Snavy~ My sympathies on the snow. I wanna see a pic of your china now.
Egan~ Yeah, my county doesn't spring for the expensive de-icers, beauty of living in the sticks.
Breazy~ Hope your weekend is is/was good too. And here's hoping you get your snow. I remember you wanted some last year too, maybe for Christmas, eh?
Grunty~ Don't hate me because she's beautiful.
Susie~ Alright, rocking the world of strange men, how great is that! Red Molly does seem popular, guess we'll go with it.
G~ It's true, I am, very proud.
Blither~ Innit precious?!?! That Susie is very good to me.
I love love love the bird feeder. Very cute. I bet the birdies loved it too.
Snow? I hate snow.
The Missus loves her bird feeders. She enjoys sitting on the patio and looking at the little creatures.
Thanks for the visit and comments.
As for your "HIjacked" blog getting its own section, that's an idea I had pondered before. THere are several team blogs out there.
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