It's fun for the whole family! The kids get to practice their math and the grown ups get to bet.
I whomped my brother in law by shutting the box when we had both bet our whole stack of chips. I had been down to one chip at one point then came back with a vengence and KICKED ASS!
Not that I am competitive or anything, it's all just good clean fun, especially when I win :D
Aaah, beating an in-law. Does anything bring more pleasure than that? Excellent blog, by the way!
Oooh, Shut the Box rocks! :) Our version has little wooden peg guys, but I think most of them hace been lost now. :-/ I think the flippy kind is best since we are really good at losing game pieces. I never thought of betting on it, LOL!
Cool, and it's really cute, too.
We have one too, it just looks a little different, not in a box. I think my kids called it Captain's Fancy?? Have no idea where that came from.
Shut the box madam! Ha - well in Goa - thank God.....hot and happy about to have dinner and beer - long awaited after we missed our flight in Mangalore...long story...ha but we are here - snake was a scoop from internet - other photos are mine - ha!
No no youre not competitive at all!
Hello from Goa! Man, oh man, this place is nuts!
we should get all the hijackers together one day and play ! LOL! Have a good day!
OH man.. at my family's xmas party, we were competeing at diff games for gifts, lotto tickets, and a $50 bill. I found out I'm a waaaaay sore loser. LOL..no really.
I've never heard of Shut the Box, but it sounds fun. Have you ever played a card game called Fluxx? It's muy fun! :D
Well, shut mah mouth. I ain't never heard of it. Wait a minute. I just did! Thanks!!!
Dorky dad~ Hmmm, there must be SOMETHING! But its not coming to me off the top of my head.
Candace~ Few loseable pieces is a vitally important thing and the betting takes it up a notch, you should try it.
Cindra~ Just like me!
Seamus~ Oh you KNOW that it's true! And yes, you should definitely check it out.
Tutu~ Hm, interesting, this is the first I'd heard of it too and its great.
Karen~ Ah, very good, glad to hear it.
Blither~ You should!
Susie~ I knew I could rely on you to back me up on that :p
Breazy~ Oh man, how cool would that be??
Damasta~ Oooo, that sounds like trouble in the making right there, I'd be a sore loser too! Fluxx, huh? I'll have to look it up.
Gawpo~ Glad to further your education in this regard. Now if you ever make it up north here I will be pleased to challenge you to a couple rounds.
Me got here by way of grunts house. Me just wanted to say your comment hit the nail on the head.
Good goin.
Shut the box, huh.
Me woman plays that game, but it ain't got nuthin to do with numbers.
And when you're finished winning er, I mean playing, it stores decoratively amongst your tomes
Scary monster~ just keep your finger out of the hinges.
Somewhere Joe~ Exactly! Its really just about the perfect game.
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