I would be the first to admit this makes perfect sense in light of the whole bird flocking thingee.
Speaking of thingees and birds, two quick asides that just occurred.
1.) The Things, who've recently watched the Beatle's movie Help! have taken to repeating this dialogue,
"Look out! It's a thingee, a fiendish thingee!"
This is apparently most useful when their parents have told them to pick something up.
2.) You know how when geese fly together in a V one side is always longer than the other.
Do you know why that is?
I do.
My dad told me.
There are more geese on that side.
Moving on, I have received more swapage!
This lovely piece of... clothing comes to us from
Snav who got it from
And I present it to you here to ask for your assistance.
Some poor member of my family needs to model this work of art.
Cast your votes in the comments, should it be Thing One? Thing Two?
Or that freakest of all freaques, Mr. Logo?
I ALSO received from
Susie Q a lovely little mini-mag.
It is a pretty cool little comic by an extremely talented artist.
It reminded me of a gift I received not too long ago.
A very kind
blogger friend purchased this comic for me, hopefully not because he thinks of me a psychopathic killer or exceptionally nerdy but merely because I am from the northwest.
It is no longer in print and I am unlikely to purchase
this copy.
We do have the one read to my siblings and myself, it is not in great shape but my kids have enjoyed it and we recently passed it on to the younger cousins, the esteemed elder sisters munchkins.
It is one of those stories that we requested over and over, and so have my kids,
so the majority of the book is actually committed to memory.
"Jennifer knew as well as you
That everything had its place
but she just didn't care
a whit,
a bit,
so her room was a real disgrace."
As illustrated in the picture below,
repeated readings did noting to alleviate the problems in the room of Thing Two.
However, rhyming storybooks are not the only thing in my bag of tricks,
oooooh no.
There is also cajoling, bribing, threatening, crying, screaming, and ripping out chunks of my own hair (although someone has to clean THAT up later too, so I tend to think it's not the most pratical choice).
Interestingly enough, you see the effective approach before you.
Although, I had intended it as a threat he took it as a bribe.
I said I was going to take a pic of the mess and post it.
He asked if I would take one when he was done too.
So I did.
Who am I to argue with what works?
And one last item before I stop rambling.
In addition to their contributions in the arts, sciences, and ethnic jokes
the Polish should also be recognized for their pottery.
I found this at a kitchen shop and couldn't decide if it would work with my little set below.
How cute would that tea pot be with these, eh?
Good thing I don't collect tea pots, innit?
Alright, I'm done.
Oh, for those who were interested, I transcribed the text of my magnetic poetry
Flash Fiction 55 into the comment of the post below.