Tuesday, October 24, 2006

OK, I'm a little late, but here...

I drove a long way yesterday, I'm tired.
I had a lovely browse through a bookstore.
I had a fabulous lunch at a deli near the bookstore.
I checked out a nice brick building just over a little way from there.
Then I drove home, arriving here at about 11PM.
My children who were staying with their aged Ps managed to have a good time and everyone suvived the experience, thank the FSM.
Now I am going to go take a nap.


Nessa said...

What are P's?

egan said...


Glad you made it home in one piece.

Anonymous said...

Rest up, dear. Sorry I missed you...next time for sure!

lime said...

ok a 70 is respectable. sounds like a good time was had by all.

Anonymous said...

(that was too hard)

Stephanie said...


Just stopping by to go fail your quiz.

chosha said...

That sounds like such a brilliant day - interesting, relaxing. I'm glad everyone survived doing all that with everyone else. =)

Logophile said...

Goldennib~ My parents, the Aged Parents

Egan~ Thanks for the code assistance, you are such a giver.

Cindra~ Next time for sure!!

Seamus~ You are a troublemaker, I admire that in a man.

Lime~ Very respectable

Oaty~ You are a cat, how is it you are so bitchy?

Snavy~ Thank you, glad you enjoyed.

Chosha~ Only just barely, but thanks!

Sar said...

I'm glad you had a fun excursion and hopefully an equally rewarding nap.

I'm going to go ahead and save you the mystery of what my quiz participation would reveal and let you know, I'd fail miserably! ;)

Anonymous said...

i hope you had a delicious nap... and thanks for the quiz... got it up late, you say? no problem, apparently i didn't get here 'til Saturday, fortunately, i did have a semi-functional brain...whew. (still, i'll try to do better next week, on the quiz *and* getting over here, i promise!) xox