Friday, September 19, 2008

Aaargh, mateys, you be knowing what day it is?

Aye! It be talk like a pirate day.


furiousBall said...

my timbers are totally shivered

The Grunt said...

Arrrr! The scurvy dogs will be glad to know. As for the termite infestation, I'm whittling a new leg out of a broken mast as we speak.

lime said...

aye wench, and i be celebratin with me grog!

Hobbes said...

Thank ye kindly for the reminder, matey.
Grey Patch

Fred said...

I'll go drink some rum.

G said...

I kid ye not, I be walking around singing "What do you do with a drunken sailor..." today. Now I know why! Time to watch Muppet Treasure Island I say.

Anonymous said...

Arrrrggg! Jest wavin' my hook wench!