You may have heard this?
"It rains nine months of the year in Seattle."
That is a quote from Sleepless in Seattle.
The local weather channels actually provide us with charts to let us know "The Odds It Will Rain on Any Given Day."
According to the National Climate Data Center (they give you the odds of a white Christmas in most major US cities), Seattle has a 7% chance of having one inch of snow for Christmas.
The last time we had snow around here on Christmas day? 1990 (that was about an inch), and before that it was 1965.
This year? Croly hap! We had OVER a foot at my house!!

There is Thing One kickin' it in the Christmas spirit.
Thing Two received Zoo Tycoon from his brother who was DYING for this game...and who has already played it more than Thing Two...yes, we've had to have THAT talk now too.

I'm of two minds about all this snow. I mean, parts of it are great! It is kinda pretty, sledding and whatnot are certainly fun, but, uh, its been TWO FREAKING WEEKS.
I am officially done.
I've never been happier to see our beloved rain come back!!!!
Hard to believe I used to attend college in a town that would get over 100" of snow every winter.
No, if it drops below 70, I get the chills.
Happy New Year!
LOL, two weeks of snow and you're done. i am stiffling giggles. well i am glad the things had a white christmas once in their lives. mr logo seems to be doing a weird al yankovic impression with his flowing locks. so fetching.
Christmas is always so much more fun when there are younger folks about ;)
Happy New Year and wishing you all luck, health and happiness in 2009 :)
It snowed over a foot, you say? That's like a foot and a calf, ah-har-har!
Haven't seen any snow hereabouts. We have to drive to the mountains for it.
Happy New Year, Logo!
So that's where the Icelandic winter went. I am glad to hear it. We literally have autumn weather, and if I wouldn't go out and listen to people spit this hilarious language at me, I'd think I am in Seattle.
Look at the bright side, you'll have winter gear for the year 2026 ;)
Well, I am a big fan of snow but I understand what you are saying. It's hard to go from one richness to another.
I loved loved loved our white Christmas. It's so cool to go sledding as a 35 year old adult.
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