Monday, May 11, 2009


I love the fact that I can take the laptop into the bathroom and watch a movie.
I also love bringing the laptop over to the desktop computer table so I can watch a movie on one, or surf, or chat, and do something else on the other.
Mr. Logo appears to believe this is a sign of some sort of tendency toward excess.


Tom & Icy said...

That is so cool that you can multitask like that, I mean, I remember back when I was in school and could do homework, listen to music, watch tv, talk to a friend and so on, all at one time. Now it is hard to chew gum and walk.

lime said...

LOL, it could be a small sign...

furiousBall said...

one day, we'll all say, "what's a pause button?"

S said...

No! Excess would be dragging the big desk computer into the bathroom!


Ahem, what are you watching in the bathroom?

Anonymous said...

Actually sounds very reasonable to me!

S said...

Happy Birthday thing...erm, one?

Or is it thing two?

I know its someones birthday today!

Happy Birthday Thing!sortion

Hobbes said...

Who has time to pay attention to what he thinks?

Ann(ie) said...

I have the same tendancy. ;)