Friday, September 24, 2010

Since I'm not all

coiffed and whatnot but I was being harassed about posting a pic showing what my hair looks like currently (post black hair) this is what you get.
This is what it looked like from February til about July.

It was fun and I made an interesting discovery.
If your hair is yellowish you are a blonde,
if your hair is red you are a redhead,
if your hair is brown you are a brunette,
if your hair is black you are a ...


Doug The Una said...

Portuguese water spaniel?

lime said...

ambiguously ethnic, at least that's what i was told all my life

Anonymous said...

hey - someone printed the words on your camera backwards...

quilly said...

So, if I change my hiar color it will change my personality? Hmmm ... who do I want to be?

I think that second pic of you is quite sexy. If that what black hair is all about?

S said...

I love your hair black! Love it!
That is quite the sexy shot miss!

Mine is currently fuschia over my own hair color. Too fun!