not to mention my stupid quiz site was giving me trouble. So no quiz this week, hope you can survive the disappointment. I am going to go do this some more instead of continuing to fight with the internet.

But, in honor of it being a good day for trivia, please, leave everyone a little tidbit of trivia in your comment.
For example, The Pike Place Pig is named Rachel after a pig that won the Island County Fair in 1985.
san juan, puerto rico
the name of the capital city and island were inadvertently exchanged by a confused cartographer. it was supposed to be puerto rico as the capital of san juan.
There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with the words orange, purple, or silver, or month.
Listerine(tm) was invented by Joseph Lister, who intended for it to be used to disinfect operating rooms.
The only official hanging of a female in Canada happened in 1923 in my town and the last hanging of anyone in Canada happened here too, in 1960.
Quite a claim to fame for little ol' Fort Saskatchewan!
Cindra Jo - I have a daughter named Julia for that reason and another named Vanessa, also a butterfly.
Toothpaste removes tarnish from silver.
Logo you have the right idea this day ! It is all cold , dreary and rainy here so it is the perfect day for a nice long soak and a book .
Half vinegar , half luke-warm water will clean your hardwood floors better than anything else and it will leave no residue . It will also get rid of any odors in your home !
Have a great day Logo!
From the social studies teacher:
Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes.
Australia is the only country that is also a continent.
George Washington is the only man whose birthday is a legal holiday in every state of the United States.
Gerald Ford was the only US president not to have been elected to either the presidency or the vice presidency.
An ear of corn averages 800 kernels in 16 rows.
Great idea. Not the corn. That was not a pun. Can I dig a deeper hole for myself?
Before the industrial revolution the clay to make pottery was mixed by blind horses strapped to a wheel.
Ah... a book in the bath, my favorite way to end the day.
Gerald Ford was from my home town, Grand Rapids, Michigan, site of the world-famous Gerald R. Ford Museum.
And my wife, who is pretty than a butterfly, is named Julia. :)
Lime~ Ok, cool, I did not know that!
Susie~ Ooooo, good one
Diesel~ Very good tidbit, but I have a question, are you the new ultra-low sulfur? Safe for 2007 engines?
Cindra Jo~ That is a better name, I agree.
Kyahgirl~ Fort Saskatchewan, home of the Canadian hanging, how sweet!
Snavy~ OMG, you mean, people still scrub their silver? You picked some purty butterfly names for your babies, good job!
Cindra Jo~ Dead Leaf just isn't as lyrical as Vanessa, is it?
Breazy~ Ah, the woodlayer's wife weighs in with an excellent maintanence tip, thanks!
Fred~ Ah hah, I knew it, the social studies teacher would kick ass at my quiz, smarty pants!
Tan Lucy Pez~ Wow, who knew corn was so uniform? I'm just full of good ideas.
Kat~ You are clearly a woman of good taste, that IS the best way to end the day. I didn't know about the horses, thanks.
Diesel~ Gerald Ford, the never elected president, very good! Welcome to the west coast, did you import a Julia from the midwest, or find a butterfly out west that caught your eye?
12 points to a pica, 6 picas to an inch.
Number of pages in a book always divisibly by either 16 or 24.
Ok - some more useless trivia that plagues my mind:
A whale penis is called a dork.
A bull penis is called a pizzle.
You are welcome.
Ahh bubble baths, a gal after my own heart. Sometimes I use Lavendar Vanilla. Did you know the scent of lavendar promotes tranquility?
that looks pretty damn good right now...mmm nothing more relaxing then a bubble bath with candles
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