These pics were e-mailed to me, I have no idea who took them, but I thought they were fun.
One of the upsides of fall

Unfortunately, it is also the end of the cycle riding season, at least for me, I am a fair weather rider.
But here is how far an addict will go to feed their obsession.
I am not that obsessed yet.

Nor am I this obsessed.
I like the biker pic. Do you have a high resolution version? I wouldn't mind posting it on my blog.
great pics LOL
Funny pics. The bike looks tired in the bottom pic.
What that kids doesn't know is that's 300 pounds of dog sh*t covered by 3 inches of freshly raked leaves.
Anyway, time to go get my bike out of bed and get it ready for school.
LMAO that kid is about to jump onto a pitchfork!
LMAO at the guy at the park! So cute!
And, I really did think that was your bed for a minute there, and wouldnt Phil just be so jealous?
Yeah, like next spring and that will be you!
You won the contest, sugar booger. Congrats.
Christopher~ Sorry, that is the only version of the photo I have, feel free to use it.
Lime~ Glad you enjoyed!
Doug~ Looks so cute and cozy all cuddled in bed, huh?
Diesel~ Bummer for him, dude
Susie~ Phil is open minded, he'd be fine with it.
Cindra~ I have the occasional sunny day to take a Harley ride to keep me from wiggin out too badly.
YAY! I am a winner!
Seamus~ The dog sleeps on the bed, but NOT the bike.
I've loved a dog before, but never a bike. My loss.
LOL! The next picture of that kid isn't nearly as cute.
whoa... sorry i didn't get over here sooner, just glad i made it in time to enjoy the slide show!
lovelovelove these pictures, altho' i confess i'm feeling a little sorry for that playground panda. poor thing. xox
We just bought our new bikes because we found some great end-of-season deals. Unfortunately, since it is the end of the season, we don't really have good enough weather to ride them. I can see myself being that biker in the second pic :)
i want to dive into a pile of leaves too. wait, i prefer money. but leaves will do in the meanwhile. the kid diving into the leaves!
Cool pictures. I love them all and have thought about bedding my own bikes.
Hilarious. I had the idea of doing a video with guys dressed up in full, olympic bobsledding gear, complete with helmets and showing them up close and grabbing hold of these steel rails and running and running and then panning away as they all all jump on and crouch real low on a playground merry-go-round. But, I never pulled it off. Just one of those ideas tucked away.
Oh, by the way, Tom's Challenge #5 is up at my site so drop on by and check it out.
Peace, Tom
Ha ha - and I get in to trouble for letting my dog on the bed!
Love the pictures, Lady Logo. I still love jumping in a big ole pile of leaves so I have a soft spot for the first one. I give the kid a 10 for form and execution.
Yeah, nothing like a big ole pile of leaves to bring back the good ole days. I'm with Sar - that's a 10. Yeah right, that's not your bike.
Congrats on the win at Cindra's - great poem.
I love the guy in the park - lol!
TLP~ Ariella forbids me from giving any biases analysis between the two, let me just say my bike has never puked on my rug or suffered from separation anxiety.
Diesel~ Don't encourage the crazy people!!
That's my job.
Neva~ That's NOTHING, you should see what the little kids do to those poor things.
Julia~ Way to go. Take some good pics when you finally hit the open road, can't wait to see em, nice looking bikes!
Guggs~ I myself prefer the swimming in gold a la Uncle Scrooge McDuck.
Lindzy~ Me too, especially since I don't have to do first aid or clean up on HIM.
Egan~ Just don't get anything caught in the chain, ouch.
Tom~ I like that idea! I shall check out your puzzle.
UKbob~ My dog is very gracious, she allows us to still sleep in the bed, i am pretty sure she is not going to give up her place to a bike.
Sar~ 10 for enthusiasm too!
G~ Thank you, thank you, being a NW chick we rarely had leaf jumping going on, but I can mudpuddle stomp like you would not believe!
Snavy~ Me too, and I love how everyone around is totally doing their own thing, like it's just one of those everyday things.
Leaves on the ground. No such thing down here. How about a palm frond or two?
Those ROCK! I esp love the leaf- jumping and the funny biker at teh playground. :) I'd love to see someone doing that IRL. :)
Fred~ I don't suggest jumping onto a palm frond like that, ouch!
Candace~ Come spring that may be me, now its given me ideas :D
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