Thursday, February 22, 2007


Vera did a little meme about things she likes and dislikes and I thought I would follow suit.
This post brought to you by the letter R and the number 10.

Ten Likes

1. Reading
2. Raconteurs
3. Recycling
4. Rhododendrons (they are really hardy, that is an excellent trait in a plant)
5. Randomness (Oh look, a chicken!)
6. Rhyming
7. Rrrrrrrr, pirates :p
8. Rainbows (also puppies, and baskets of flowers, I'm a freaking hallmark card)
9. Riding (get your mind out of the gutter!)
10. Renaissance men

Ten Dislikes

1. Rodeo
2. Red lights
3. Rodents
4. Religion (though I have great respect for faith)
5. Repetitive redundancy
6. Road rash
7. Rules (almost all of them)
8. Right-handed bias
9. Racism
10. Reality TV


armalicious said...

I match 8 out of 10 of your dislikes. I like Rodeos (mainly the cowboys) and Reality TV is something I'm oddly addicted to. Otherwise I'm right there with you on the others!!

Joe Jubinville said...

I dislike when repetitive redundancy is revisited. Why must it be rehashed?

Gill said...

I am liking these lists. I especially like randomness...
Have a good day...!

Anonymous said...


The 'oh look a chicken' is my ADD line! No Ripping me off!!

lime said...

really rocking list. i read it and reread it (repenting of my redundancy right away)

Logophile said...

Arm~ I am a fan of good looking men in general but the ones that wear dinner plate belt buckles and high heeled boots have never been specifically fascinating to me, however, that just means more for you, right? Go get 'em!

Joe~ I completely and entirely agree and concur. It's just tiresome and boring!

Blue~ Randomness is delicious! I have some every day.

Snavy~ I love your line, I am introducing it to a wider audience, spreading its avian goodness across the bloglands, especially amongst those bloggers who specialize in ADD compatible posting.

Lime~ I'm so glad you saw the light and I am proud to have been a small part of it :p

Mr. Fab~ Oh, I know where to get some of those, email me your shipping address and I can so accomodate you.

Anonymous said...

Logolicious-that is fun stuff! You are so good at memes and i don't mean cos you are all about 'me' but because you are clever and make them funner spectacular than the usual interesting fun. MWAH!

Bsoholic said...

Really Rinteresting Rist... Ruh-Roh! ><

Unknown said...

So, Logo, let me get this straight: You would love nothing more than to come across random rhyming, art-loving pirates riding random animals to the end of the rainbow carrying with them some old books to recycle and some rhododendrons while humming "Hands." But if they were on their way back from a rat rodeo in the red-light district along with a group of chanting monks with road rash who make rules about left-handers and don't like Chinese people too much all the while playing a big part in a Fox TV reality program, you wouldn't like them much?

robkroese said...

Let's not forget people named Robert. For one of the lists, at least.

Logophile said...

Cindra~ I love to amuse and entertain, you know, when I am not busy frightening and puzzling :P

BS~ Careful, I think Scooby stole your password!

Dorky Dad~ Wow, its uncanny, man, it's like you can see straight into my soul and you know exactly what I'm thinking, whoa...

Diesel~ Those would fit under 7 or 10 in the "likes" section or 3 or 5 of the "dislikes"

DaMasta said...

You don't like rodents? Or Rodeos? or Rules?! GAH. You must live in total disorder. Hmm.. maybe a Rodeo-lovin', rat-ownin', rule-abiding gal from Houston ain't gonna be your fav person in the world.. LOL oh well, atleast we both like PIRATES! YARRRRRRRRR!


Minka said...

Ok, I liek that list and would like to make one myself. Now do you supply us with a letter? And if you do, should you give me Q again, you would be redundant and slightly growled at :)

Anonymous said...

Really Rocking, Revealing, Robust, and, uh... Remarkable Reading here, dear Logo.

thanks for more Riveting Reminders about the many MANY Reasons i Ruv Ru, so much! xox

DaMasta said...

so is that why you don't have me linked?!?!?!?!? *sob*

Tom & Icy said...

I guess it is all right to be redundant as long as you don't repeat yourself.

Logophile said...

Damasta~ Well, the rodents I dislike are the ones in my insulation who stink and befoul my home, yours are cute and cuddly. But Pirates rule!

Minka~ Glad you enjoyed, yes, of COURSE you should do it, and I give you the letter M.

Neva~ aww, thanks, mwah! You say the sweetest things.

Damasta~ ACK! are you not linked?? That is NOT the reason, far more likely to do with my inability to keep track of what i am doing. This shall be remedied shortly.
I LUFFS my Damasta!

Tom and Icy~ A good point, repetition should include a little variety :P

Jacob said...

Arm and Damsta are a little bit country. I like that. What I don't like is having to sign my sales slips at the checkout counter using a tethered pen designed for right handers. That blows chunks! Also, who is that Pirate? He is so cute! I want to pinch his cheeks. I want to have sex with him. Who wouldn't?

Jacob said...

Can't get to Rusty's page. I tried from the list on the right.

Logophile said...

Gawpo~ Ooooh the pen thing, don't get me started on the pen thing, mean ******s and their ******* stupid right-mounted pens. Like it would kill them to mount it in the center so I can write without scribbling like a 4 year old, good grief!
Linkage to the Rusty blog is fixed, thanks for the heads up on that.
As for that pirate, is he not cute? I would let him swab the deck for me anytime.

C said...

Rather resplendent lists, there. I am replete with rapture over your redirection to my roost. (Oh, HO! Chicken theme!!)

I love that you took a motorcycle to a tea-shoppe. I'd be riddled with rhapsody if you would take a picture of it outside next time. ^_^

Just Tom said...

Hey, I use my left hand some times.

rita said...

What? I havent commented yet?

OK I'll do five likes and five dislikes with R

Rhodesians (ha!)

Roast beef

Will we be doing the S words tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

OOps Really that list wasnt from Rita, it was from me!

Anonymous said...

well there now ya all have my email....I really am repulsed by the repulsive, repugnant behavior of newbloger!

Doug The Una said...

11. Radishing beaverskins.

Jacob said...

Yo, Ho. And a bottle of rum!

Jacob said...

Can you fix your Snav link, too, mayhaps???

Minka said...

The letter M?! I likes it...

The Grunt said...

What, no Ricola?

Logophile said...

Candace~ Chickens and ADD randomness go together like spaghetti and oranges. Rhapsodic pictures may follow :D

Tom~ Does it feel like you are being unfaithful?

Rita/barefoot/Susie~ Blogger is a pill, you can do S on your blog when you get to it :D

Doug~ Trust you to bring THAT up!

Gawpo~ Rum in my mug and an updated Snavy in my list, check!

Minka~ Me too! Especially on you.

Grunty~ Nuh uh, I prefer Fisherman's Friend which does not start with R

Nessa said...

Really rockin' rad RRRR's.

G said...

You really rock and rate and roll! Love it. ~ G (whose really "R" if we got technical :)

Logophile said...

Goldennib~ Arentcha sweet to say such things? Thank you thank you.

G/R~ You're GREAT! Thank you, my dear and I'm glad you enjoyed.