Thursday, February 08, 2007

Well, $#!%

A friend of ours is being sent to the Gulf. My mom started chemo today.
On the brighter side, my papasan will be celebrating his birthday here with us.
I even helped bake a cake for him! That is love, baby.
Mwah! Have a good day, my bloggy peeps, and may the road rise to meet you.


S said...

Hey the road didnt rise up to meet me, instead, I tripped over my shoelaces and my face met the road, down there, instead...


Unknown said...

Sorry about your friend, and I hope your mom does well. As for that one day in February, well ... Nah, I'll just blog about that.

Jacob said...

Prayers fly daily for your momma. And please tell papa happy birthday from Gawpo. I am so loving the anti Valentine's Day sentiments. Keep them coming. My favorite is the arrow in the heart, of course.

Security word: gefuk (Ha!!!!)

lime said...

sorry about your friend, that sucks. hope mama does ok with chemo and chemo does it's job. happy birthday to papasan!

Anonymous said...

Susie~ Ok, now that was TOTALLY not my fault! No major surgery required I hope. xxoo

Dorky dad~ The special day in February is the 18th btw, my birthday.

Gawpo~ Thanks for your greeting regards the Aged Ps, much appreciated. Glad you are enjoying the valentines, your gift is in the mail!

Lime~ I feel a political post coming on, rare as they are, there are times...

Stephanie said...

Hope everything goes well with your mom.

Happy bithday mr. logo's dad!

Anonymous said...

Love the valentine's...esp. the one day in February one.

Fuzzylogic said...

Goodluck to your friend and prayers to your mom.Here my roads have certainly risen with all the heaped up snow:(And I love those anti valentine cards:)

DaMasta said...

Hope things get better for you Logo, dear!

word veri = ychzcb! (Bless me!)

And how much do I love IKEA! A store full of *things!* That's my idea of a perfect store.

The Grunt said...

I hope things go well for your mom and your friend. Both things that they will be going through will no doubt be trying.

Hobbes said...

All the best to your friend and mom in their tough times.
I avoid vehicles like bikes and roller skates, so the road doesn't rise up on me too often.

Claire said...

Here's hoping that all goes well for your mom and that your friend lands in a semi-friendly spot 'over there'. My neighbor is in Iraq and I think about him frequently.

btw- word veri is being a stinker
0r I'm not too with it.

Malnurtured Snay said...

I wish this month would warm up, that day in February will be VERY special (provided it isn't Valentine's Day).

Jacob said...

I love it here. Here in your blog. I love to come here and just come here and love it here. I love that. Coming here is something I love. I feel safe. I feel comfortable. I love it here. Ahhhh.

Logophile said...

Snavy~ I even made dinner too, how domestic am I, eh, eh?

Jerry~ Glad you are enjoying, I love em.

Fuzzylogic~ I don't like it when the roads are full of snow, ack!

Damasta~ Thanks, bless you, and yes, IKEA is AMAZING!

Grunt~ Yes, thank you, mwah!

Weirsdo~ Yes, those skates can cause that reaction I've noticed!

Claire~ word veri is a pain in the ass! Thanks for the well wishes.

We've been warmer out here, thank GOODNESS. The special day in February is the 18th.

Gawpo~ You are so cute, come on in, get comfy, mwah! I'm glad you're here.

Minka said...

These are awesome cards...some of us acknowledge that this is another consumerism evoked obnoxious holiday, but when we see a guy giving flowers sweets and a card to his present girl, deep within us...we do hope...although we don´t really care :)