Thursday, August 31, 2006

Some mighty fine swine

I have had pig on the brain alot lately,
what with one thing and another.
But this is the latest,
The Pig That Wants to be Eaten.
A review...
"Douglas Adams posed many a philosophical question in his works. For some, the most hilarious - or disturbing, was the meal that introduced itself and recommended certain portions for consumption. In a society fully detached from the processing of living flesh into oven-ready tidbits, Adams portrayal of "the pig that wants to be eaten" seems outlandish. Yet, is there truly a moral issue in developing a food that not only embraces the opportunity to be consumed, but has the capacity to help the diner choose the more desireable cut?
Julian Baggini poses this and ninety-nine other questions in this tantalising collection. Many of the topics he raises have been with us for millennia - remaining unresolved today. The author draws the old questions to centre stage, clad in modern finery and make-up. The new appearance helps bring the reader into the questions with a greater sense of comfort, one hopes. But when the last line has been read, it's clear that this isn't just an entertaining recasting of old conundrums, but of serious issues we confront daily.
Reading them all in one go could be dangerous to your mental health!"
It's a fun and thought provoking book, and one best enjoyed a bit at a time.


The Grunt said...

I'll have to check that pig out, Logo.

Sar said...

Sounds like an interesting book, Lady Logo.

Speaking of pig & bi-product, I happen to find bacon repulsive. To me it's nothing more than a slab of sizzle grizzle. I do however enjoy BLTs. Go figure.

S said...

Oooh cool I wanna read it!
I have this wacky book with stuff in it like how to survive an attack from a bear, what to do if you drive into a lake and are stuck in car, how to slash your snake bite cut and suck out the venom...
OK, and I thought it was a joke at first, then I realized, whoa! This book is for real......
The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel
How to Survive
Runaway camels, UFO abductions, high rise hotel fires, leeches and more! LOL

lime said...

now my only question is....should i take those bits fried, grilled, roasted, or broiled?

Logophile said...

Grunty~ You really should, I bumped into it accidently and I am so glad I did.

Sar~ You need to get bacon from England, THEY know how to do it up right, its practically ham, mmmmm.
MLT? When the mutton is nice and lean, so perky.

Blither~ Let me know what you think!

Susie~ I like tht one too, in fact, it's listed in my profile page!

Lime~ Grilled

Sar said...

You know Lady Logo, I've heard there is nothing like a nice MLT... ;)

C said...

When the mutton is nice and lean. . . :-)

That sounds like a fun book. I think I'd likely become a veg. (-etarian, not -etable) If I think about where meat comes from and how they run those businesses, I certainly want to.

Another book I'd really like to get, but the library is not forthcoming with my "hold" (I think someone stole it) is The Book of Failures otherwise known in the US as "Cannibals in the Cafeteria."

Doug The Una said...

Live by the sword, die by the sword. All pigs want to be eaten if they understand scripture at all.