Tuesday, January 09, 2007

They also serve...

Places I spent more than 5 minutes waiting in line yesterday:
1. The pharmacy (drop off prescription) I didn't see this coming, aaaaaw, look at the sweet old man who can't decide which brand of rubber gloves he needs and the nice clerk taking her time with him. Isn't that precious?
2. The library (pick up books on hold) Why is there a line this long at the library for goodness sake?
3. The post office (mail Lime and Snav the Christmas presents I bought them over a month ago, I hate to rush into things without time to give it the proper consideration and I THOUGHT I would be missing the lines that snake clear out the lobby to the front door, wrong again!!)
4. The dollar store, IT'S THE DOLLAR STORE PEOPLE, why are there that many of you buying THAT much crap at the dollar store?!?! (I picked up water bottles, snack cracker packets, necessities of life for car trips, and a toy Thing One desperately needed, a wooden snake)
5. The grocery store, ok, that's it, I am officially annoyed, why, why do they have self check lanes if they are not going to be open?? You people with too many items in the express lanes should be killed and if you don't know which phone number your discount card is attached to, GO GET ANOTHER ONE and quit holding up the line!!!
6. The main stop light in town, are you fricking kidding me?? Why in bloody blue blazes is there this much traffic? Green means GOOOOO!
7. The pharmacy (pick up script) Take Two, is there a hidden camera somewhere? Is this an elaborate joke??Its a teeny pharmacy, there are pharmacies all over, how can ALL of you possibly be in line here?? OK, fine, whatever.
"Stop touching, stop it, do you want to go back to the car? Then stop it, straighten up. Stop harrassing your brother. Stop THAT!! Have you two lost your minds? Am I taking crazy pills? Go, go now, back to the car, buckle in and don't even look at each other. No breathing, you hear me? Go." (wait wait wait)
"Well of course you have to confirm with my doctor, that only makes sense, no, its fine, I'd absolutely love to come back tomorrow and wait in line a third time. Nothing would give me a greater sense of fulfillment, ta ta now, have a truly lovely evening, thanks, and may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits."
Time spent- two and a half hours.
Accomplishments- 30 minutes worth of errands
Stray things I thought about to distract myself -
1. Cultural differerences in line waiting; Americans tend to not look at each other or talk much, stand at a distance of a couple feet and rarely attend to cut a line. The esteemed elder sister and I were discussing this not too long ago and how Americans in line appear to just be standing around to people from some cultures because of the enormous gaps we leave.
2. People really ought to comb their hair before going out into public. Now, I know some of us have hair that just tends toward disorder, but some people are just not bothering at all. In case any of those people were wondering, Yes, we can tell.
3. Smokers stink, well, at any rate the one behind me in line did, peeee yoooo
4. People on cell phones in public spaces should use their "inside voice."
5. People who don't pull over for ambulances should be flogged, at minimum
6. Fat girls should avoid short shirts, especially in January when there is no possible excuse for them. The muffin top effect is not pretty, and really, a sweater would be appropriate in this weather. Why, why would you do that? Is it confidence? lack of self awareness? Could you actually be unaware that rolls of excess flesh are sticking out? Does it not bother you? You are covered in goosebumps, why are you not wearing more clothes? Did you have a house fire and all you saved was your summer wardrobe? What possibly made you think this was a good idea, oh dear gawd, please don't bend over like that, oh dear. Why, why?!"
7. Just for fun, sometimes I mispronounce words. Its entertaining to watch people as they try to decide if they should correct me, for example.
Queue; I like to say it "quoo" or "kee-oo-ee" The inane giggling doesn't help convince people you know how to say it correctly.

I've mostly recovered now though, which is good because I have to go BACK to the pharmacy today.


Stephanie said...

I'm so sorry you had such a horrific ordeal but DAMN was it funny!!

My fav is "You people with too many items in the express lanes should be killed!" -- I couldn't agree more.

And, the bottom 6 & 7 --- LMFAO!! Have I told you lately that I love you??? :-*

Anonymous said...

I've mostly recovered now though, which is good because I have to go BACK to the pharmacy today.

Pick me up a bottle of Advil will you? I got a headached reading about all of the lines you had to wait in!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! This is my life too! You are so funny. I would add: Why does Kaiser Permanente hire foreigners with extremely thick accents to work with patients who really need to understand what is wrong with them and how to take all 3 of their medications that they have never seen before. FPM had bronchitis and its a good thing I went with him- to translate!

Anonymous said...

Waiting...never ends. You know, I talk to everyone in line everywhere I go...makes the waiting go by faster. But then, maybe I'm not really a CITY line standing american citizen.

the last three comments i've made today have given me the same word verification! "smenita"

Breazy said...

I am getting the same word veri as well but at least I can comment now ! LOL! I was in Wal-mart yesterday and I saw a girl in there with one of those awful short shirts on and it looked like she had an innertube hid beneath her skin . I almost gagged . Don't get me wrong I am not small by any means but at least I keep myself decently covered. The other night when I took my son to the ER , I had to stop by the pharmacy afterwards to get his prescription . I waited for almost an hour and a half on that thing and for thirty minutes it had looked like a friggin waste land in there , no one but myself , my son and the two pharmacists . Finally I asked about mine since others had came in and waited like 15 minutes then got their stuff and gone , they had misplaced my sons prescription ! GRRRRRRR! Then it took a few minutes to fill . I was mad! I hate running errands and I HATE the grocery store even more . LOL! I hope your day went better !

lime said...

i agree completely on all points. oh and as for the cultural observations. in trinidad lines are unheard of. it's all a matter of who can push tothe front. once i was at a meat counter in the grocery, waiting patiently because i was 8 months prego and did not wish to be elbowed. i thought there had to be someone who would recognize i was there befor e they were and graciously step aside to make way...or the butcher would say..yes mam'am i se e you are next. no such luck. finally, in true trini form i stood there, rubbed my belly and proclaimed loudly and in my best accent, 'well i tink i about tuh make dis baby while i standin up waitin on all yuh.' the crowd parted like the red sea before moses.

Anonymous said...

You should flog those people who don't pull over for ambulances with the dollar store wooden snake - that's a good item, I know.

Oh, would you mind picking up my scrip, I can't deal with lines, I'm busy.

Maddie said...

My aunt tried to talk me into being a teacher by telling me I'd get a discount at the dollar store.

S said...

More of that wanting to cover up bare teens fashion faux pas stuff again!
anyone that shops at the dollar store gets what they deserve!
And hey, I couldnt help but notice, there was NO package for me listed in that there posting....hmpfhh!
I got the camel ready if you wanna get the fleas outa him....

DaMasta said...

OMG, the pharmacy is the worst. I fuggin HATE waiting in line at that place. I go thru the drive thru and usually there's two windows open and one time I was behind someone who was at the first window and then twenty mins later some dood pulls up at the second window, the dood in front of me leaves so i pull up and instead of helping ME, the pharmacist clerk helps the SECOND dood. Holy hell, I went off and got the manager and MADE him apologize for his co-worker's lack of customer service skills. What? i have a temper. Sue me.

TLP said...

Fuuuunnnniiiieee! Boy, you made me laugh. I hate lines. But your waiting in lines is funny and good blogging material. Am I a bad person to think that? Well, yeah. But I don't give a rusty fruit fly. I laugh anyway.

Can we also kill people who bring their entire family to the grocery store, and then happen to meet their neighbor, who they could talk to any time, and stop in the middle of the G**d*** aisle and chat and block important folk like me????
I mean, why not, if we're goin' to hell for killin' the bogus express line people anyway?

Anonymous said...

Funny and impatient one. There should be a law against indiscreet blubber flashing, no doubt. But the hair comment-darling, people who live in glass houses, etc, etc. I think next time you should try Lime's approach, that was fab

Jacob said...

OH! MY! GAWD!!!! I love that you dia'd some tribe on this subject, Logo. You speak for me. At last I feel I have a voice. Stand up (albeit in line) and be counted! And how about Safeway? Is it just here on the Oregon Coast? Or is it everywhere, in every Safeway that you can't walk from the front door to the seafood department without at LEAST five employees---sometimes shouting across the fifty foot space that separates you---asking you how you are doing today? I admit it. Sometimes I am less than polite, but in a very nice tone I reply, "Today? Fine today. Yesterday was a bitch. But today I am fine. Thanks for asking." Is that mean of me, ya think? I just want to go inside, get my stuff, pay for it without being asked about my emotional life and get out to the car. Maybe I should have blogged this, but you opened wide the door to what I care most deeply about. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

your prescription wasn't for Valium by any chance?
I know you're grinding your teeth in frustration but I had to laugh at your descriptions!

C said...

OMG you poor woman!! ^_^

We saw a school bus blocking off an ambulance today. I don't think it was on purpose. I think the driver was just a moron.

A stranger talked to us in line at the bookstore today. I'm guessing she, like us, is a transplant, cuz Michiganders aren't much for the talking to strangers thing.
Then again, when Mollusc started reading from the "Cooking with Ketchup" cookbook, who in their right mind could NOT comment? ^_^

We have a whole chant about "Grean means GOOOOOO" that we tend to break into (raucously) when appropriate. :-P I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

I really like mispronouncing words, or even using the wrong word, or screwing up a cliche. Then I like people's reactions. In high school I screwed up Spanish phrases in front of my girlfriend at the time ... just to annoy her. It worked.

Logophile said...

Snavy~ I love you too

Dan~ Advil for everyone, this round's on me!

Claire~ Oh my, yes, I know that one too, isn't it fun?

Cindra~ I don't avoid talking to fellow waiters, but I tend to go easy with it. People watching is a great way to pass the time.

Breazy~ I hear that, errands suck. I'm going to check into online scripts :P

Lime~ Yes! Tactical use of the elbow, its a critical skill

G~ Good plan, I like it!

Pants~ How could you pass up a deal like that??

Susiji~ keep your nasty camel to yourself :P

Damasta~ Are you sure they didn't spit in your pills?

Seamus~ I have 160 movies in my quoo, maybe I should take it easy with that.

TLP~ You have my permission to take them out, and as long as my suffering can amuse I will feel it has served a purpose :D

met2morf~ What?? I combed it, I swear I did, really, sheesh

Gawpo~ I think it must just be your Safeway, maybe they just REALLY like you. Think how much you could do with that though. Great potential for harrassing the clerks, mwah hah hah

Kyahgirl~ Wouldn't that be funny? Nah, synthroid, oh joy.

Candace~ Cooking with Ketchup?? GAK My kids know that song too, Green means GOOOOO!

Dorky Dad~ Well done, carry on

DaMasta said...

A little bit of spit helps the medicine go down..?