Thursday, January 04, 2007

Today I am going to see...

The Dead Sea Scrolls.
Based on the level of enthusiasm displayed by Thing One and Thing Two when I have taken them to see any number of other fascinating historical and cultural heritage treasures I halfway expect them to be done after about 20 minutes.

"Yeah, mom, we get it, he painted the freaking ceiling, can we go now?"
"Do you have to read every single one of the little markers?? Its a big rock with lots of little writing!"
Oh man, do we have to go THERE again?!"
Oh man, do we have to go THERE again?!
So it is with some trepidation that I venture forth with my young on this experience of a lifetime. There are no bathrooms in the exhibition. There is no re-entry. If Mr.Teaspoon Bladder (Thing Two) decided he can't wait - THAT'S IT, FOLKS! I am STILL a hostage to my children's urinary tracts at ages 10 and 7!! That is so wrong.
As to the scrolls themselves, I am excited to go see them. When Da Vinci's notebook was at the SAM (in '97, I think) I went to see it and the experience of standing there deciphering some of the notes and looking at his artwork, it was awe-inspiring. At museums in Europe I could never stop being amazed at how old everything was, and I sincerely hope the beauty and genius humanity is capable of generating never ceases to impress and astound me. I find myself fascinated by the fact that with very little variation the children of Israel have been copying out and teaching the same texts for thousands of years. In addition to fabulous food the Jewish culture is also a very strong contender in the catagory of legacy. Anyway, I'm going to go ooo and aaaah over the scrolls, and those kids so much as roll their eyes, so help me G-d, Imma send 'em to do investigatve research into the afterlife.


Sar said...

Hope you and your thing a lings have a great and pee-free time, curly sis.

I'm holding out hope for my older one's interest in history and legacy after she asked me if we could go to Ancient Rome for our family vacation this year. Um...

DaMasta said...

LMAO @ Mr Teaspoon Bladder... Gawd help him if he has to pee.. be gentle on his soul..

OH man, which reminds me (and has nothing to do with this post cept the pee part..) I was absoluely chastised for having to pee in the middle of the deserts of Arizona on the road trip to San Diego. It was retarded hot outside and my friend TOLD ME to drink more water! How was I supposed to know that there were no bathrooms for another 60 miles?!?!? Damn the man!

Stephanie said...

Dude ... I so hear you on the hostage situation. Been there many times.

Don't let them drink anything before the outing. I know that's wrong but ...

Enjoy the exhibit, I wish I were going with you.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the scrolls. Standing face to face with an important object of great antiquity, photons bouncing off it and collected, as if across the millenia, by my own eyes, is a thrill. Get back to us.

lime said...

may I suggest this fine product...

I think you will find it mosthelpful as either a device with which to threaten the things or as an effective manner at extending average visit length.

of course if it fails, i am free to attend any historical, artistic, or cultural exhibit you may deem worthy.

Breazy said...

Oh I wish I could go with you . I promise not to let my bladder get me down and I promise not ask if we have to go there again . It would be more like "c'mon let's go see that again"! Have fun !

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome! I'd like to know what you thought. Were photos allowed?

No bathrooms???

Anonymous said...

Gotta love anyone who refers to their kids as 'Thing One and Thing Two' LOL! My own Test Case and Football Playin' Man never were much for museums either. One time at the Smithsonian, Test Case disappeared and as I franticly searched the fire alarm went off and everyone had to evacuate the building. Grrr! ADD monster! Needless to say I eventually found him...

Anonymous said...

Oh, lucky you. I love that kind of thing, but I would never go with family. They just don't get it.

Doug The Una said...

If I were thing two, I'd drink lots of water before a trip to see some old parchment.

S said...

LOL Try having thimble bladder in India....ack!
I cant really read this entire post cuz this puter is very dark, but I just wanna say hi and see you soon, Iwill be back SUnday

C said...

Oh, Man, I got all excited because I thought you went to see DaVinci's Notebook, not DaVinci's notebook.

I'm jealous! I want to go there, and there and see that, and that and that!!!

Have a blast and be sure to take pics of them for us if you can!

Anonymous said...

Make Thing Two eat saltines before you go - supposed to help marathoners.

You rock Mama, those are great trips for the Things who will one day appreciate them. Can't wait to hear about your trip. My Thing One is in the process of teaching me Hebrew. Tis a thing of beauty when the tables turn.

The Grunt said...

Check and see if there are any prophecies in those scrolls of a "Gruntonia" rising in the last days, Logo.

Logophile said...

Sar~ The thing a lings were lovely, better than I could have hoped, yay!

Damasta~ You just can't win with some people, can you? Poor kid, poor Damasta, the world is a cruel, cruel place.

Snav~ I bet you would have loved it! They did well, and I didn't even threaten them.

Joe~ More details in the next post, but I completely agree, it was a thrill.

Lime~ You are evil, I love you soooo much, you have GOT to come museuming with me!

Seamus~ :p It was the Pacific Science Center and you have till the 7th to go if you are interested.

Breazy~ I bet you would be a great museum pal, but if YOUR bladder get the best of you, I am sending you out on your own!

Dan~ NO BATHROOMS!! And no photos, but lots of talking about it coming soon to a blog, well, right here.

Claire~ Oh my, I hope you've mostly recovered from that moment.

Goldennib~ I was weighing the experience for them vs. the frustration for me and then I couldn't get a sitter :p

Doug and Willie~ That will be enough out of the two of you. Thing Two does not need that sort of encouragement!

Susie~ YAY! Its been a long time, hope it goes smoothly.

Candace~ They didn't allow pics unfortunately, very old documents, low light, etc. Yeah, saw the old papers, not the band :p

G~ They seemed to enjoy and the bathroom stop was not a problem. That is great that Tali is teaching you!

Grunt~ I believe that was a sign of the end times mentioned in the Book of War, beware

SJ said...

Interesting! I'd love to see them

DaMasta said...

I ended up peeing by the side of the car in the middle of the desert. Oop.