Mr. Logo and Thing One went fishing in a local river and caught a 22 inch salmon. They were quite proud of themselves. Mr. Logo is headed back to try his luck again this evening with a friend.

He is very happy about this opportunity since he was thinking of going fishing last night but disc three of the third season of House arrived from Netflix. We've decided this is the way to watch TV. You get several episodes at a time and there are no commercials. It's fabulous!
This is almost enough to make me want a Tivo.
I do dig the netflix. Commercials make me homicidal. And suicidal.
Cool illustration. Did you do that?
Good luck to Mr. Logo! Can't wait for the exaggerated fish tail.
I love watching Serious like that from Netflix. I do a lot of the HBO series.
Good Luck with the Fishies.
That sounds like cable On Demand. I watched a bunch of Saving Grace and The Closer that way. I like it.
I love that cartoon guy....
Hey! Whats that smell?
The Mr. (mine, not yours) and I are mad crazy about watching our shows on DVD, too.
I can hardly stand "real" tv anymore.
Nice catch! (the fish and the man)
I agree Netflix is the way to go! :)
And that comic is way, WAY too funny to me!
have a great weekend :)
Are you game? Please play with me.
Or there is way number two: You watch the entire length of the full length feature of the film called "Idiocracy" in 9 minute and 58 second segments on You Tube. Which I just did.
I like money.
I like to have sex with chicks.
Can you believe that? That's incredible.
I'd have to believe fish can't smell because that would account for their very own fishy odor not being offensive to their mates and you know mating. Somehow this made sense in my head where the salmon swim upstream and shower at the same time.
It's late/I'm silly. G'night.
I might end up doing that once we get rid of our cable.
You can tell Mr. Logo that he beat Survivorman -- I watched it this weekend and he couldn't even catch a stinking salmon.
Oh, but salmon can smell. That's how they find their home streams for spawning purposes. Don't ask me how I know this. It takes me back to long, mildly horrifying university lectures involving discussions of stuffing fish noses with cotton wool and "punishing" fish for undesirable behaviour. O_o
Major congratulations to Mr. Logo and Thing One for their hunter/gatherer prowess!! That is cool!
Okay, wait. A 22 inch salmon is, as salmon go, not very big. Was it a Coho? Was it a jack salmon (immature male Chinook)? Was it a Pink Salmon? Dog Salmon? Are you sure it wasn't a Steelhead? Come on, woman! Spew!!! Dig! Find OUT!!!!
Well that shoots my hackneyed theory to hell, Candace.
You MUST get a Tivo. It will be the best day of your life. I kid you not!!!!
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