and experienced,
and continue to experience on a daily basis.
So, now that I have a good sized bike Mr. Logo is all excited about the possibility of going to rallies and motorcycle runs all over the place.
I have agreed to attend the Hell's Canyon Motorcycle Rally with him.
This is with the proviso that adequate stops will be made to rest my soft bahooky and the only acceptable acommodations will have pools, room service, and extended cable.
He has been reported to mutter under his breath vague murmurs that tend to feature the phrase, "...thinks she's a freaking PRINCESS!" and, "...things I do..."
That being said, he has managed to find me great places to stay and had extensively planned out our trip with rest stops, fuel stops, and carefully incremented map segments that have been measured repeatedly and marked precisely,
(have I mentioned he's a little teeny bit compulsive about some things, just on occasion?)
in fact, all the details have already been mapped out to within an inch of MY life and we are STILL three months away!!
It's just gonna be so goshdarn FUN!

What is this, you may foolishly inquire? Oh please, do let me fill you in!
This is the world's largest lava lamp,
located in beautiful downtown Soap Lake, Washington (pop. 1,733).
This is the site of the Lava Love Run to the Sun motorcycle rally.
It's an annual event, and as they cleverly note on their site,
"If you missed last year, you weren't there!"
How could anyone of taste or intelligence possible resist such innovative marketing?
Now you too can pass your valuable vacation days in a small desert town buying overpriced teeshirts and beverages (because no, really, you DO have to pay $4 for that bottle of water) while admiring a 50 foot lava lamp in the middle of a road.
As if all that were not enough there is a song.
It's a lovely jazz number, skillfully woven around the theme of love for the lava lamp, which is a timeless theme of americana, isn't it?
I understand next year they plan to install shag carpet in the town park and get enormous rabbit ears for an ancient television set, complete with dials!
Mr. Logo thinks I should accompany him down this rabbit hole.
I, on the other hand, think a lovely trip to Ocean Shores is in order.
What do you say, esteemed readers?
I GOTTA go with you and vote for Ocean Shores, girlfriend!!!
Um, lava lamps aren't THAT exciting.
As cool as that lava lamp is (I'm serious here - I heart lava lamps), Ocean Shores does seem much more enjoyable.
Mr. Logo reminds me of Mr. ARM with his mapping out details.
i think with appropriate planning you guys can manage to hit the lava lamp festival AND ocean shores!
*ducks and runs
Oh man, you didnt tell me about that ride! WOW your ass is gonna be sore!
Ok, I have a lava lamp, but its like 18 inches not feet..they are fun....
Ocean Shores fo sho! Would seem much more interesting than a Lava Lamp.
Shooooooooooot.. I'd totally be down for the Lava Lamp thingamajiggy... I mean really, who can say they rode their motor bikes thru the freakin' desert to buy overpriced tshirts and bottles of h2o just to see the giant lava lamp in the road?!? not you. cause you weren't there last year. :P
Sounds like fun! Have you seen "Wild Hogs"? It was cheesy cute. May want to rethink that "every step planned" trip. Throw the cell phones into the wind! Let your hair down! Sleep on the ground! Go potty in the woods! Um, well, maybe not. ;)
Uh, is that lava lamp for real?
ARRRGGHHHHH! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of all you naysayers! The ocean has existed for millenia. It's salty water and we live 2 miles from it as it is. There are beaches 5 minutes from my house BUT there is NO 50ft Lava Lamp five minutes from home. The lamp is where it's at! Any takers? I'm gettin' a posse together.
I vote for Ocean Shores! batted your "princess eyelashes" and you got such accommodation??? WOO HOO! Enjoy! :)
Ocean Shores is a much better idea. How relaxing is it looking at a stinkin' lava lamp? You do want to relax, right?
sorry, I couldn't love a lava lamp.
Viva la lava lamp!! :D
Many bikers post their local biker events on the biker club I think we have more choices there.
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