Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My lungs

Recently I came to the conclusion I had nothing interesting to say in this post.
Then a dear friend said, "Post about what is closest to your heart."
So this one's for you, Tim.
Every minute my lungs inhale and exhale about 20 times. One never really pays much attention to that. When I had a broken collar bone and broken shoulder blade many moons ago I was deeply aware of each of those breathes and exactly how much movement they cause. I actually took singing lessons at one point and learned to maximize the amount of air I inhaled with each breath. There is nothing like excruciating pain to reverse years of good habits. I made quite a point of breathing as shallowly as possible.
I remember one particular yawn and deep breath several weeks after I had been released from the hospital. It stands out because it did not hurt. Hurting sucks, I can't be the only one to have noticed this I'm sure.
I tweaked my back not long ago and have been babying it while it recovers. A friend of mine recently said he will feel old when his body won't do what he want anymore. By that count I got old at about 21. Sometimes I ignore what I know is comfortable and just do what I want. I played volleyball at a picnic and could hardly walk for a couple days, but man, it was fun. I try to recall when I am cursing about being a bit of a lameass (literally) that it was not really that many years ago I would have probably ended up dead, legless, or permanently crippled after an accident like mine. As it is, I manage to lead as normal a life as someone like me can be expected to participate in. My heart works great and my lungs are in fabuous shape.
Oh, and you should see my spleen, too sexy for words.
Can't touch this!


The Grunt said...

Thanks for sharing this part of your life, logo. Your struggle to overcome injury is inspiring. I'm not being sarcastic either--I mean it.

Joe Jubinville said...

We can survive without food for a few weeks, without water for a few days, without air for a few minutes. We're creatures of the air. Once in a while I'll pinch a certain back nerve that inhibits me from drawing a big, deep, satisfying breath. It's torture.

Ever heard Cole Porter's song The Physician? No doubt the funniest compendium of body parts ever set to music.

lime said...

i hear you've got a dead sexy pancreas too!

so glad you haven't stopped living fully.

armalicious said...

What a great outlook on life. Seriously - I agree with you about it. My husband has been an old man since he was 18 (his body & back & knees are always hurting), but he still goes for a jog almost every day.

Anonymous said...

your poor back :(((
i totally hate it when i tweak out my back... blergh. i did that in january... i swear it was all the planets misaligning in order to prevent me from going back to the gym!!
ps: thanks for making this "Reader's Digest Large Font" for those of us that have eyes that do not work like they ought to anymore... ;)

Anonymous said...

I had a witty and reflective comment all ready but then you went and put M.C. Hammer in my brain.

Logophile said...

Grunty~ You are sweet to say so, thank you.

Joe~ Oh yes, I know some of those nerves, I hate that. Love the song though, thanks.

Lime~ Rowr, baby, you heard right. Zip line here we come, eh?

Arm~ I wish I went jogging everyday, I just recently started working out on some mornings but its going to be every day soon and THEN, watch out world!

Vera~ Oh I know!! I timed the back thingee and the workout plan together beautifully, gggrrrr. Doesn't that suck?! Glad the font is better for you, anything that increased the readability is a good thing.

Snavy~ So sorry, I didn't mean to, it just came out that way. Probably all part of my desperate attempt to seem clever and witty. You know the ones who quote MC Hammer are always the biggest brains in the room.

S said...

Forget the lungs, forget the spleen!
I am in love with your font, it's big, it;s bold, it's white, and I am reading it without glasses!

I know you did that just for me!
XXX Oh I wub woo!

ANd yes, lets do be thankful for all of our working parts, none are missing, some are even larger than they need to be...but we got em!

DaMasta said...

I smoke here and there, but I can still workout till there's no tomorrow! When I'm outdoors, especially on the beach, I have a deep appreciation for my legs being able to stroll and my lungs being able to take in a deep breath and my ears being able to hear the gulls and the waves. I'm even thankful for my hair being able to catch the breaze! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice to be reminded of the important things, and while we are less elastic physically as we age, we are spiritually expandable beyond words...so you are doing great, love! mwah.

Bsoholic said...

So does all that mean in a nutshell You're as old as you feel. :P

My lungs are actually working a bit better having quit smoking 4 weeks ago. :D

Anonymous said...

hey Logo...thanks for the visit...try childhood asthma for awareness of what your lungs can do...or not, as the case may be...!!! i've been a 20-a-day smoker for 30 years...thankfully, my last bad asthma attack was 23 years ago...(^_^) as for bad backs...try sciatica...woweeee...i could go on for hours about the pain...but no...

with regard to your comment on my blog...and i hope you're sitting down...lol...i don't drive, i have never driven (apart from a few misguided lessons when i was 17), never had a car, don't even like cars particularly...i was actually...WALKING...!!! if you re-read the post, i mention getting off the bus right at the start... ;)

Balou said...

One of the first things I enjoyed after a few weeks of quitting smoking was my lungs being able to take a big, deep breath without coughing.

I have that song "I'm too sexy for my shirt" stuck in my head but I've replaced shirt with spleen. heehee

Malnurtured Snay said...

I can, see? This is me touching it! Oooooh.

S said...

He prefers autorickshaw...:P

Unknown said...

I totally agree. Lungs are underrated. We need to give them their due. Thank you, lungs, for keeping me alive.

I'm also fond of my heart.

Anonymous said...

Only you can make me drool over internal organs. Cheers Bella!

Logophile said...

Susie~ And here all this time I thought it was my green to blue fade you loved. Oh well. mwah, I luff ya anyway.

Damasta~ Beaches are a good place to be thankful, its a multisensory experience and I love it too.

Cindra~ That's it! That is exactly it. mwah!

BS~ Congrats on losing the smokes, you are so amazing. Definitely glad you are ditching those and yeah, you are as old as you feel, but on the inside.

Actonbell~ In so very many ways, its true.

Fortress~ Dang, dude, you're a mess aren'tcha? I feel better already! Walking, huh? I've heard about people who do, it's suppose to be good for you.

Balou~ Lungs are good, yes. "I'm too sexy for my spleen, so sexy it hurts."

Snay~ Ow, not so hard!

Bare~ No accounting for taste.

robkroese said...

Post pics of the spleen!

Logophile said...

Dorky dad~ Lungs are good! I care for Apple Jacks a great deal.

Blither~ Oh baby, your Isles of Langerhorn are looking FIIIIINE!

Logophile said...

Diesel~ You want spleen porn, you pervert?! I can't even... eow, you are sick, dude

egan said...

M.C. Hammer?

Dan said...

This post was breathtaking. :)

When I craced a rib last year it pained me to breath deeply. Sneezes were out of the question. So were orga ... well, you get the picture.

By the way, I simply must see a photo of your spleen.

Anonymous said...

having suffered through my fair share of crushed and/or broken bones, i feel your pain, my sistah! i also appreciate/relate to your drive & determination not to allow these things to "define" your ability to live your life to its very fullest. our bodies may limit our ability to do everything we'd like, but only our minds can keep us from trying to do anything at all.

"can't touch" you? hah! i'm betting i couldn't even get close enough to try! (as for seeing your oh-so-lovely-spleen? as tempting as that sounds, my friend, i believe i'll pass!) xox

Claire said...

No broken bones, but surgical scars a plenty (back and front) and I just turned 49- yuck! Frankly, I'm feeling a little too sorry for myself lately. I gotta knock that off...

C said...

That's weird. In today's post I just mentioned my sparring injury that makes it hurt when I laugh (and when I breathe out, actually, LOL!)

I hope your back heals quickly. Ouch!

Logophile said...

Egan~ I am a child of the 80s, don't hold it against me.

Dan~ Hope you are all recovered from that, I would hate to think of org... you get the idea, being painful. No spleen porn for you either, sheesh.

Neva~ I am always being told I am trying, and I doubt that will ever stop. I appreciate that you are not going to try to touch my spleen. You're a good friend.

Claire~ Oh yes, surgical scars, I have those too, though just on my leg. Its the stretch marks from those darn kids I really don't like :p

Candace~ Well, if you insist on letting people kick you that sort of thing happens, you crazy woman. Here's to quick healing, cheers.

G said...

Logo, they don't make them like you any more :). I give you a lot of credit for taking in stride what many might whine about. Good for you.

Logophile said...

G~ Oh there is whining from time to time...but I try not to do it too long, or too loud, or too often. :p