1. Finish making tea (I tend to get to the steeping stage and forget it),
2. Turn off or on heaters, lights, lock and unlock things, etc. etc. etc.,
3. Drop off or pick up mail,
4. Get fuel in vehicles (this becomes even more important in a motorcycle),
5. Switch the laundry,
6. Make the kids do their chores,
7. Check the phone messages,
8. Write down and check for appointments and special days on the calendar (Oh crap! Was her birthday always on this day??),
9. Go to bed,
10. Eat breakfast, cook dinner,
11. Give debit card receipts to Mr. Logo.
Things I never need to be reminded to do:
1. Check my email, IMs, and blog,
2. Breathe,
3. Take a bath, brush my teeth, do my hair,
4. Go to the library, pick up and return library books,
5. Take care of the children, teach the children, pick up the children, drop off the children, etc.,
6. Fold laundry,
7. Use turn signals and side and rearview mirrors,
8. Relax (Don't do it, when you want to go to it),
9. Love on my peeps,
10. Enjoy the journey, travel light,
11. Wear sunscreen and apply it liberally to my Chalkasian children
For those of you who've wondered how Her Imperial Majesty, Ariella, is doing, here is an update. The knee injury got quite a bit better for a while but is still occasionally problematic. She is taking glucosamine and advantage.
This picture was taken by Thing One. As I was attempting to IM with my friend Lime
the princess decided it was time for me to pay attention to her. She growled and pawed at me until I transfered her 45 pound furry ass onto my lap where she snuggled contentedly as long as I was petting her with the one hand. Having to type one-handed because my dog has a princess complex is somewhat trying to me. But clearly less so than attempting to IM while she is growling and batting at me.
It really is a dog's life, ok
Your avatar, it's the one I liked so much. Cool beans! I used to do one-handed IM's until I found Jesus.
i think you manage to remember the most important stuff.
all hail princess ariella!
Your priorities are entirely reasonable. Making tea is so habitual that I can lose track of any given brew... I never forget that I want it, only that I've already acted on wanting it.
Royal prerogative - the princess owns every lap in the kingdom.
That is a big dog.
I, too, am always reminded to give the husband credit/debit card receipts.
LMAO @ Chalkasian!!!
I do the same thing with the tea. Or... I get the water to a boil and decide ... I don't want tea right now.
Hey Logo! Wow, Ariella is beautiful and a bit bigger than I thought!
Hope all is well!
I knew I was forgetting something. Ah, sweet oxygen.
Hey Logo...haven't been able to comment until now...sorry!
I have been here though.
That out of the way. I agree, it is a dog's life. Sylvia has her way 100% of the time, for walks, treats, scratches and lap time. What Sylvia wants, Sylvia gets. Not too shabby!
Love your dog btw, she is adorable.
Tangk Tim~ Stop touching yourself!
Glad you are enjoying the avatar, I like it too.
Lime~ Why thank you, would you mind sending Mr.Logo a not to that effect?
Joe~ Well, she certainly thinks she does! I appreciate your confirmation of my priorities and to be honest if I did not live with someone who was so good about taking care of all those other things cicumstances might have dictated a reordering.
Arm~ She is really not lapdog size, I'm just glad she is not any bigger, that could get seriously uncomfortable!
Snavy~ When Mr. Logo and I heard that we knew it was us immediately, chalkasian, check!
Breazy~ Other than the snow, all is well. I am soo not happy about that!
Diesel~ In with the good air, out with the bad, in through the nose, out through the mouth.
Blue~ Blogger has been difficult, no worries, what you can when you can. Yes, the princesses must be pleased.
I have a dog... She's Satan. No Really. Cherish your Angel.
Blither~ Awwwwa, she is not satan! She is just...slightly evil, but still very cute. I do treasure my angel though.
Actonbell~ Thank you, hopefully Mr. Logo will read this and agree with you:p As for the princesses, yes, I can see we could have problems there.
I am so with you on 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 on the first set. And 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on the second.
I am copying and pasting because there is no verification code on this one! Crap!
Got one! guesy
Didn't take it! npxcw
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