In light of his love of cooking I bought him a cookbook. Due to inconsideration on the part of previous patrons I had to return the book and get a new copy yesterday, stupid blankety-blank book defilers, I hope there is a level of hell set aside for them, they can share it with the people who use library DVDs to buff their driveways, but I digress...
Mr. Logo loves watching several different cooking shows; the one with the perky Italian chick, the one with the other perky Italian chick, the one with the Italian guy, the one with the other Italian guy AND Good Eats.
Alton Brown has the one cooking show I will actually sit and watch with him, and the Things like it too. Mr. Logo watches for the cooking, the Things watch for the corny sketches and I watch for the shotgunned facts and info sprinkled throughout. I don't want to actually cook anything, but I love the history and the science included in each show. So this is the book I got him.

The man references classic literature and makes cracks at quantum physicists in his cookbook. He also clarifies that WHY is the central question for him, and I can identify with that. As if all that wasn't enough, he was the director of photography on REM's The One I Love video, he rides a metric bike and he loves Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. Sigh...
Mr. Logo's competition has been identified.
Now Mr. Logo has had a corresponding list for years; the women I might have to worry about if they threw themselves at his feet, and some of his choices are undeniably attractive. My own list previously included only an eye candy choice, Alton was chosen primarily for other traits but I doubt Mr. Logo needs to worry. Neither of them adore me, so clearly he is safe :p
So, Mr. Logo has a thing for Rachels?
Ok I have a complaint....I cant read your damn blog. The font is too small, and even when I enlarge it, because its BROWN background with WHITE letters and its not bold, and sometimes you even use BLACK AND BROWN Letters! Now, who can read this?
I cant be the only one having a tough time here.....
I love you baby, but reading your blog kills my peepers!
Im coming over for dinner....Rob's cooking you say?
I like watching that cooking show too!!
I'm thinking he should team up with our Myth Buster's pals for some kind of experimental cooking show.
Now that would be must see tv.
I really admire a man who can cook real food, more than just the macho barbeque. I need to find one of those guys for myself. Bruce Willis though? nah....
ooooh i am with snavy....the mythbuster guys do it for me.....
i love men with big.....
Hey! Get it right. Those chicks are NOT Italian. They are Sicilian. The Italian guy IS Italian, and explains why he looks like George Bush and I don't trust him. I get creepy feelings when I watch him. All pretense. Good recipes are one thing. But he wears his culinary talents like a fanned-out tom trying too hard to score some hen. Ask me later and I'll tell you how I really feel.
I love Alton. By the way, he almost created a vacancy on Food Network when he nearly got dead on that metric donorcycle of his. Alton RAWKS. Your appreciation of Good Eats belies your Good Taste, Logophilly.
Now can we get back to the cleavage on that one Sicilian chick? VAH-VAH-VOOM! And she even cooks.
I donæt know Alton yet, but if he explains physics to me while cooking something up real nice, I might be willing to listen :)
Me too, me too! I love the mythbuster dudes. And their know...what Lime said.
Logo, Mr.Logo has a thing for the Rachels. I think the one with the snake is pretty hot actually...not bad.
I love physics and cooking, perhaps I should tune in!
Love ya, keep well.
Doug~ Only for the moment, his list changes alot.
Snavy~ You have something there, I love it!
Schnoodlepooh~ That is Jason Statham, he is yummy, that dude you mentioned, NO, definitely not on my list.
Lime~ Oooooh honey, you know that it's true, I love a huge, turgid...frontal lobe heh heh heh
Gawpo~ He was not nearly dead, he barely broke a collarbone, sheesh
Alarmist! Cleavage, smeavage, did you see that guy's ABS??
Minka~ That is exactly how I feel about it. Talk nerdy to me :>
Cindra~ I hear ya, sister. Mmmmmm
smart men, so sexeh!
Blue~ You should tune in, for sure. He has a redhead thing too, and thing for, well, basically, he is a man. Mwah! Take care.
We married uncannily similar men!
I might have to buy that book for MuNKi. Sounds like I would like it, too.
And you used "turgid." I've long thought that that is a word that one should really try to slip into daily conversation.
Perhaps we were separated at birth.
People who cook are the most wonderful people in the world.
I love Alton Brown's show, though I'm not a big cook, for largely the same reason as you do: it's entertaining. Plus I get to learn how to smoke fish if I ever get kicked out of my house.
Candace~ You should definitely get it, its a good read. You love to say turgid and you have great taste in men, clearly we are kindred souls.
Tom and Icy~ Oh yes, its the truth, amen and amen and amen.
Dorky dad~ MMMMMM, smoked fish, yummy. Entertaining and teaching the spousal unit more yummy things, bonus!
I dumped cable TV in favor of high-speed internet; I'm culturally deprived!
Mr. Logo's taste in women is outstanding.
Joe~ We just recently ditched the cable TV again. I only really miss Mythbusters and I can get a fix with them on the website, so its all good.
Mwah! Thank you very much for the compliment, it's very much appreciated.
My dear, sweet, still-alive Ms. El, have you not heard of how the broken collar bone came within six inches of piercing his heart? Six inches, my dear is not very far. Why, I'm holding up my thumb and forefinger to represent six inches right now and they are only about a half inch apart. See? See how close he was to getting dead now? He was a MAN'S six inches from dying. That's what I'd call close!
And okay, I concede on the ABS. Sheesh.
Gawpo~ oh my, Im so glad he managed to not die of a collar bone incident, how embarrassing would that be, eh? As well as miraculous. Mmmmm, abs, very nice.
Crap. I no longer have an argument. You win. He's so wealthy now, though, that it would have been a white collar bone death.
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