If you have an interesting topic for me, leave it in the comments and I will write you a 55.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Leaning forward she reached up with her right hand, fingers seeking a hold. No, still too slick, she re-chalked and tried again. There was an ideal crevice for a fist jam just overhead. The Screaming Yellow Zonker was graded 5.11, but she knew she could do it. After all, she survived holidays with her mother-in-law!

"Now I'll go check out Quesadillas for Breakfast and THEN I'll work." She entered the web address and was shocked that it was not Damasta.
"Oh no! Not her too, say it ain't so! She can't be gone."
Just then an email alert popped up, it was from Damasta. Her new blog address was www.quesadillasanonymous.blogspot.com.

She applied the last of the polish to her nails and sat back to read. A itch made her wiggle her toes. The itch came again. She realized it felt like more like something moving on her flesh. Glancing down she saw an enormous spider, two legs stuck in the polish on her big toe.

A woman of many languages and lands sat down and waved her hands over the magical tool that would bring familiar faces she'd never met right to her room. She would converse with people she could not hear and explore worlds without form. As long as Minka had the internet, who needed a crystal ball?

The small, smiling faces gathered around the table, trophies were distributed and high fives exchanged. The baseball season was finally over and the relieved sighs of parents were audible. They had gathered here at the cheapest pizza joint in town because nothing says "We're celebrating" like a cardboard crust with molten lava bubbling on top.

Cardboard crust and molten lava? Im so there.....
Im still LMAO @ your 55 for lime, since I know about M in Law.....
Logo, baby, you are a genius...
I want a 55 about serious allergies and I want no sleeping on park benches in order to avoid the allergic forest at home, I already did that scenario.....
Off to buy a case of tissues....LOL
Good job gal!
You know, that last picture looks like a well baked prarie pellet....
As usual, well done!
i am so very impressed. bravo! you're a genius! i loved mine and the pizza one made me howl out loud! love you logo dahlink. mwah!
now for next week, the archeology of a sofa used by frat boys.
Not before I've had my breakfast!
Photos 1 and 2 look kind of similar. I never would have imagined a rock face and a quesadilla looking alike, but they do. Trust me, I'm not toking up.
Susie~ I know, who can resist that, huh? Knowing the backstory on Lime's does make it funnier (snicker snicker). I shall work on your story. Mwah, thanks, babe.
Idiot~ Have we reached the level of familiarity with my writing where genuis is just the expection, dang it?!
Lime~ I knew I could rely on you for a challenge and glad you enjoyed my take on Screaming Yellow Zonkers.
Schnoodle~ 10:30 on a Friday and no breakfast yet?? Taking some time off?
Egan~ Scored some of the good stuff, huh? Well, now that you say it I can sort of see a resemblance.
WOTS~ heh heh heh, glad you liked it!
Those were great. Loved the nail polish one! -)
LOL! The spider - ack!! I love how the molten lava came out! :-) And the internet as crystal ball was brilliant! :-)
Those were great.
You make my tummy and my mind hungry!
I'm in the mood for cardboard and lava right now. I'll send you the doctor bill.
Kyahgirl~ Oh good, I am hoping Lily will enjoy it too, heh heh
Candace~ Thanks! You give great topics, and as I nursed the roof of my mouth back to health that 55 practically wrote itself.
Pants~ MMMM, brain food, high in fiber and no artificial colors and flavors!
Grunt~ I have two words for you, EXTRA CHEESE!
That's it
I wasn't going to do it...
but now I HAVE to post a picture of the nasty bite I got the other night
on my ankle..
next topic: voodoo dolls and whipping cream
HAHA!!! That poor spider!!!
Nothing like a cardboard pizza to make my day. I think we have some leftovers in the fridge, I'm suddenly in the mood for cold pizza.
Well done! The pizza and the writing.
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