This is meant to amuse. It's not a cry for help. Although if you love to fold sheets, clean house, run errands, etc. etc. etc. feel free to come on over and help. I pay two warm smiles a day and one snack break is included, bring your own food. No takers? Oh well...
I like the bunny.
Can I borrow it?
It's a good thing you told me not to worry, otherwise I would.
Hmmm...I do like to fold sheets, actually. And I'm good at it.
i know how the bunny feels....hey i ike folding laundry. i'm good at it. i'll fold your laundry. the rest you can find someone else for.
Oh I am so feeling this! However in my home I don't give smiles unless work is done to my satisfaction because if I smile at these people when they have only done half the job then they think that half-assing is okay.
LOL! Hope you have a good day!
I'll up the offer to three smiles and one compliment on your choice of footwear.
Flash me your ta-tas and I'll be there.
We should hang out.
What's the beer situation like?
I'll send my wife right over ...
Blither!~ My bunny is your bunny. I don't think I know the word for bunny in Spanish.
Goldennib~ Don't worry, be happy now. Do, do do do do do do do do do
Arm~ How about dusting and vacuuming? How about going out for mojitas?
Mr. Fabulous~ alright then,
(o)(o) when shall I expect you?
Egan~ I'll be at Swedish Medical Center Friday morning, we can do lunch among the infirmed, it will be awesome!
Breazy~ Oh man, you give me Mr. Logo flashbacks when you talk like that! :p you have a good one too, sweetie
Furiousball~ This is NOT let's make a deal!!
Lime~ Can we find someone else and you and I can go play?
Actonbell~ I know, what's not to love about happy bunny, eh?
Diesel~ They sell it right down there road there.
Dorky Dad~ Will she write really funny posts for me too?
LOl, I am glad it doesn't mean anything :)
I finishe dcleaning here today...thanks for the offer, but I am busy...ummm...semi-finals in my synchronized swimming class :)
I want that bunny on a tshirt! LOL
Well, jeez. I'll gladly fold so long as I don't have to sort socks...and I'll bring the chocolate, too!
I freakin LOVE happy bunny!!!
Minka~ I sense perhaps you just putting me off, sniff, sniff. I see how you are!
S~ That can actually be done
Cindra~ Score! Get your ass over here
Annie~ I love happy bunny too :D
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