Despite some guest cancellations due to illness Thing Two had a party this weekend.
Guess what the theme was, go ahead, guess...

Mr. Logo, in addition to all his other awesome talents (some of the downright unmentionable in polite company) can also decorate cakes. He made this Scooby cake the first time when Thing One turned seven and we had a repeat performance for the seventh birthday of Thing Two.
The kids were turned loose on a table full of craft supplies and got to play a rousing game pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.
But the definitely highlight was when they all got to chase down Mr. Logo and pelt him with water balloons. There were nearly 100 balloons and although he started out strong after dodging and running for a while soon the pack had worn him out and cornered him.

After thoroughly soaking the paternal unit they left him to dry in the sunshine and went to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Sunday, Mother's Day, the Things and Mr. Logo took me to Tutta Bella for dinner. We' ve tried the one on Rainier Ave. before and the one on Stone Way this weekend. Local bloggers, if you haven't tried these out, you really should consider it.Then we went to Archie McPhee's to pick up a couple things we desperately needed.
A good weekend all in all.
Looks like your family had a great time, Logo. That Scooby Doo cake is something that I'd even like.
Happy Birthday, Thing Two! I'm sorry I missed it. Dr. Weirsdo is asleep right now, recovering from our Mother's Day celebration, but I will be back with a belated serenade.
Good job, Dad!
Sounds like fun was had by all this weekend.
What an awesome cake! I love Scooby!
sounds perfectly lovely all the way around
Wow! I think we have a new career for Mr Thing! You guys can open a cake shop! Yay!
I am glad that Thing Two enjoyed his birthday.....Mr Ratburn did too!
Awesome cake!!! Sure looks like you all had fun. But I'm a little disappointed. Where's the insane grass cutting? I had it pictured so clearly in my mind too. *sigh*. ;)
btw, your letter is 'O'
I'm guessing the theme was not Smurfs ;)
Good on Mr. Logophile to bake that cake.
Looks like a great birthday party!!!
Mr. Logo - I am impressed with your cake decorating skills!
Grunt~ Yup, good times, the cake was delicious too, mmmmmm
Weirsdo~ Awesome! You play the best birthday serenades ever, thanks!
Goldennib~ Ye-up, good times good times.
Kat~ What's not to like, eh? Especially when he is that cute and that tasty.
Limey~ We liked it, and I will get tinking on that letter.
Suse~ Yeah, there ya go, he can make scooby cakes for a living!
Sar~ It is there, just can't really tell, I would post a better pic, just for you next time I mow.
Guggs~ How dare you profane this blog with that kind of talk, shocking! Mr. Logo has it going ON!
Brian~ It was a great weekend, and what could be better than throwing water balloons at a grown up? Good fun.
Gloria Jean~ You didn't see that, it rains here ok, that is all it does, rain rain rain. It is horrible.
Snav~ it was great, the kids has so much fun and my mom and sis helped clean up, perfect! That man of mine is amazing, huh?
aww, that made me feel all warm and fuzzy!
mr. logo is a very talented cake decorator! Send him over will ya!
Glad to see Thing Two's party was a blast! I love the cake. Any leftovers can be mailed to me, tyvm!
Happy Mom's day to you too!
Kyahgirl~ Awwww, good, warm and fuzzy is a good thing. He is quite talented, I will keep him a while.
Vera~ Leftovers?? Bwah hah hah hah, you must have forgotten I have children that life here. Thanks, by the way, Mom's day was good fun.
WOTS~ Thanks, I am so happy I live with someone who is willing to sit for a couple hours and decorate a cake and THEN go have kids chase him with water balloons.
Spritzee~ It is all true. WA born and bred, local gal here. I was telling Mr. Logo that I wished we were closer, I would be single handedly supporting that lil business venture.
Wow- looks like a great time was had by all! :-) As for Archie McPhee's - wow do I desperately need to pick up some goodies there. :-) Still kicking myself for not buying The Avenging Unicorn in WI, LOL!
Tell Mr. Logo he rocks! :-)
Wooo hoo!! You gotz a talented little family there, Logo! Beautiful yard and everything!
and who DOESN'T need a ninja or a unicorn in their home..?
Blither~ Oh yes it was, but shhhh, don't tell anyone!
Candace~ I love that store, could spend a fortune seriously. I told Mr. Logo, he lacked humility
Damasta~ Thanks! And yes, The What Would a Ninja Do spinner may be coming home with me at some point.
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