Thursday, March 08, 2007

I made brownies...

all by myself, and they were good too.
The recipe came my from
Unfortunately I made them to share with a rather large group of people and therefore did not get to have a huge plateful, which sounded good. I enjoyed the one I got.
The group with which I shared my brownies expressed shock and amazement that I had actually made something myself (I usually stop by the store) and considerable appreciation and enjoyment as well.
There was some conversation in which I was asked things like, "I thought you didn't know how to cook?"
One of the women, a pretty good friend of mine, said,
"Well of COURSE she can cook, she just doesn't very often. She doesn't like to, but when she does she does it well."
It's nice to have good friends who will stand up for you in the face of a perceived slight. A few minutes later she asked for some of Mr. Logo's recipes.
I went for a nice long ride, almost two hours, on Red Molly Monday afternoon.
It was absolutely perfect. 68 degrees, warm breeze and fresh air...
it was incredible.
When riding you get to feel where you are, see where you are, and even smell it.
I love it.
I don't know if I have spring fever, or cabin fever, or what but I am unsettled somehow, "considerably rumpled in spirit", and I'm not sure what the fix is for that.
Maybe its just that I am coming down with something,
or maybe my body is fighting off something,
or maybe I am getting over something.
Wouldn't it be great if we could just adjust some valves or something and have things running pefectly?


lime said...

glad the brownies were a hit!

oh man, i sooo wish a mere valve adjustment could have solved all the illness at our house this week.....

Anonymous said...

Brownies.... ::said in zombie-like voice::

Ya know, it is nice to have good friends who will stand up for you in the face of a perceived (or actual) slight.

If you figure out the valve thing, I'll be over here waiting for a holla.

Joe Jubinville said...

Logo, for me brownies are the main variable. Tweak that right and I'm usually in the ball park.

DaMasta said...

I've been feeling the same way, kinda.. well, I WAS sick, but I've been cravin' sunshine for a while now.. cravin' the outdoors.. I really had a bad case of the seasonal funk this winter, and now I'm soooo ready for the spring and summer! (well, not so much summer, it gets hella hot down here!!)

As with the others, let me know if you find that valve..

S said...

Amen, please adjust my valves! I am in need of a complete overhaul though, so I doubt the valves would do much!


armalicious said...

I'm constantly needing to adjust myself. My bra is always annoying.

I bake all the time -- I actually had to cut off my brownie, cookie & cupcake supply I was giving people because they started expecting it. Now they have to beg, plead & tell me how awesome of a baker I am for me to bring some. Ok, no they don't really have to do that, but I've been really lazy/busy lately, so they've been doing that because they love my brownies.

Claire said...

Amen to that. What I love about riding is experiencing air in pockets. The pockets have different smells, humidities, and temperatures too. You feel free.

Rusty Nails said...

mmmm...brownies! Make them again and be greedy about. Share with no one but your most beloved! :)

Anonymous said...

I need an engine rebuild. I sympathized so completely with Limey that our house is full of sickies with me being the worst. I hope you DON'T get this, and it's just your body saying, I'm restless...

Gill said...

A fix for a rumpled spirit is some wellness massage. You need some healing touch. Grounding. Get thy ass to a spa, my sister! Go get rubbed, in a therapeutic-aromatherapy kind of way.
Mwah, much love to you!

Unknown said...

You cook? I didn't know you cooked.

I cook, sometimes, just so long as there is no recipe involved. If there is a recipe involved, it's a guarantee that I will screw it up.

Jocelyn said...

If you'd been able to eat more than just one of those brownies, I'm sure your spirit would be feeling much more ironed out now.

Balou said...

"rumpled in spirit" - what a good description! I think it's the time of the year. Oh, and thanks for the chocolate craving. Now I have to run into the house to get a Treasure. Speaking of...I wish someone would let some air out of my tires. ;)

C said...

Amen to the valve-tweaking!

I long for Spring.

Logophile said...

Actonbell~ That gave me a mental image of someone adjusting the rabbit ears on an old TV, "Is it clear yet??" I would totally buy that the weather is to blame, if March can't get it's act together how am I suppose to?

Lime~ The brownies were much adored and the pan came home empty. Yes, the pan, that is right, I didn't even put them on a platter. Valve adjustment probably wouldn't cost much more than your insurance already runs you!

Snavy~ You will be the first to know, mmmmmm brownies.... I do love my pals, mwah! All of em.

Joe~ I don't think you should be asking me to tweak your brownie, I have no idea what that might mean but I am pretty sure it's naughty

Damasta~ Yes, I think the weather might be a part of the deal, summer here is not so extreme and I am so ready to be done with snow and that weird nonsense we've had out here. THe sun is shining right now though, and I'm feeling pretty good.

Susie~ I'm afraid this garage only handles local work, sorry. :p

Arm~ Bras ARE annoying, aren't they?? Some more than others though. I have not the inclination to bake very often and I don't want to be eating that stuff very often anyway. The esteemed elder sister is a fabulous baker so I go visit her for tasty treats.

Claire~ Oh yes, that is exactly it, I was telling a friend, It feels like running but back when you were a kid and nothing hurt and it just felt exhilerating.

Rusty~ I would, but my beloved has these two scavaging rugrats who would eat most of them anyway.

Cindra~ I hope so too! Im working out here in a few minutes and hoping that will help.

Blue~ That sounds like a really, really good suggestion. I should make sure Mr. Logo sees that :D

Dorky dad~ My ten year old cooks about as often and as well as I do.
I CAN cook though, even follow a recipe, do I get a gold star?

Jocelyn~ You know, that could be true, chocolate is suppose to stimulate your brain to release happy hormones. Maybe I will have to make some more :p

Balou~ That is from a book I quite like. Chocolate cravings for EVERYONE!

Minka said...

brownies and a ride? Some people have it all, don´t they ?! ;) I am glad you do :)

robkroese said...

I've started making bread. I made the yummiest raisin bread ever the other day! I love being a kept man.

yerdoingitwrong said...

Wasn't our recent bout of balmy weather fabulous????? I loved it!!

Joe Jubinville said...

Oh Behave! Now I'm gonna have to take a long long ride on my motorbike...

Logophile said...

Minka~ Yes, its true, I am spoiled, spoiled, spoiled, thank you for appreciating that about me :D

Diesel~ That sounds good, my enjoyment of being a kept woman increases when the man who does the keeping does all the cooking as well. I am so spoiled.

Annie~ Oh man, I was loving, and now I am waiting impatiently for more, more, more! Does that seem demanding at all?

Joe~ I would behave, cept I never really paid attention when they were trying to teach me that. Long ride, sounds perfect my friend.